
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Baby E has arrived // meet Kate Marie

Our sweet baby girl arrived on November 10, 2019 at 1:45 am after 6 hours and 45 minutes of labor at home. She weighed 7 pounds even and was 20 3/4 inches long.

Her daddy and I are so in love with her.

God bless our Kate Marie.

Nov. 10th

3 weeks and 1 day old

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

New Apartment // Due with Baby E

Here is a quick photo post of our new apartment that we (finally!) moved in to on October 12th! We don't have internet at our new place so any blogging has to be done here at my parents. Life has been quite busy but I think we are (psychically) ready for baby to arrive any day now.

And here I am, just 3 weeks away from baby's due date! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

August - September // life update

The rainy weather has come.
Today as I sat and sipped my morning raspberry tea, I started reading old blog posts. I realized how much I enjoyed them and how they are my version of a journal.
I used to physically write in a diary but since meeting Josiah, that has basically completely ceased to happen. Why not do a blog update, even if it's just for me to read down the road?

As you all know, we moved from New Hampshire back to my home state of Washington. We arrived on June 28, 2019 and moved in with my parents. (sorry for stealing your bedroom sisters)

We have been living here now for almost 3 months. Wow. Seems so crazy. The time has been flying by for sure.

The plan was to live with my mom and dad for a month, then begin apartment searching. We looked around at a few places before finding one that we loved, was in our price range, and just a few minutes down the road. Perfect! The original move in date was September 1st (we signed papers for the apartment around August 1st) but it has been pushed back twice now. Another couple is living there and building a house. Apparently things are not going as planned and they have yet to move in yet. Sigh.
I know that God has a plan, and He knows best. It turned out we needed to put more cash down up front than we had expected, which was somewhat of a blow. Moving across country is expensive, ya'll! Still, because of the move in date being moved, we have been able to save up money and adjust to life here as well as we possibly can. For that I am so grateful.
Even so, I pray we can move soon. Although it has not been bad in the least living at home again, I do miss having our own little space and routine. It will be so fun to move together. This is the first place we were able to actually look at and choose together. I am so excited to live there! It has full ceilings, a bathtub, large living room, and even a garage! To top it off, it's down a private (and very familiar) road unlike the apartment buildings we thought we might have to take. Praise the Lord!

Besides impatiently patiently waiting for our apartment to give the go ahead, we have just been living one day at a time. Josiah is adjusting to a new job and I am adjusting to his new schedule. As hard as living in New Hampshire was, I won't lie and say I don't miss things about life there. Like seeing Josiah whenever I wanted, having him up for lunch every day, and being able to sip my coffee while watching him work on a sign or printing shirts. Those were the days. <3

I am now 7 months (today) along with our little baby and I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? That is another reason I have felt a little anxious about moving. We plan to do a home birth and I would like to have a home to do that in *laughs*. We have about 8.5 weeks left until my due date. Even though that sounds like nothing, I am sure we'll be in by there. Right?

I would appreciate prayers as my due date approaches. I do feel comfortable with my midwives, and the fact that I'll be having my baby at home, but I am still nervous. This is birth after all. Something I have never experienced and something that will surely try my trust in God. I know He will help me and guide me, but I am human and sometimes my human flesh whispers "what if".

The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and 
surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies. 
- Laura Ingalls Wilder 

H  I  G  H  L  I  G  H  T  S 

currently obsessed with 
"(Marie's The Name) 
His Latest Flame" by Elvis 

found an apartment 
refinished an old dresser
worked on an old crib I inherited
went to the fair 
dated my best friend
went on sister dates 
celebrated Labor Day
took maternity pictures
turned 6 and 7 months along 

P  H  O  T  O  S 

old dresser from my Grandparent's ranch

Love how it turned out!

6 months along 
The County Fair

I want a goat! 

I grew up calling this "elephant ears" and Josiah grew up
calling it "fried dough". What do you call it?
My Grandma bought this crib back in the 70's when she was pregnant with her first baby. All 10 of them would later use this crib. <3 She bought it second hand and from my research I believe it is from the 1950's. I am so blessed to have inherited it and can't wait to see my little one sleeping in the same place my own Mama did. <3

When your sister buys you apple cider <3

Don't trust me to make a baked potato in the microwave. Nuff said. 

Date night with my man <3

I made chicken pot pie one night for supper. 

Baby sister turned 15 <3

Breakfast date

Labor Day Corn Husking at "the 46"

It's Waffle Fry season folks

Some days you're to exhausted to bend over and put your own shoes on. Hubby to the rescue <3

My Leah Celeste

Baby's first outfit from us! 

We finally made the drive to what was our favorite date destination in NH! 

Almost 7 months along

Watching my hubby drive off to work <3

How has your life been?