Thursday, January 14, 2016

Wedding Bells Ahead

Wedding bells are ahead! Not for me of course (though wouldn't that be cool?) but for dear Kaysha! I can't believe how quickly the time went by and in just 9 days, my friend will be walking down the aisle.
I am super nervous about having to walk down also. I am wearing a long dress and high heels (which I am not too sturdy in! I need to practice walking in them more) and am afraid I'll trip and embarrass myself for life. Praying all goes well and that I also won't be so nervous that I look like I want to eat someone's head off! *wink*

Last Sunday Marissa, Marita, and I went shopping at JoAnn's with Kaysha and bought the things for programs and flower making. I've been designing programs all week and think I have finally found (with my sisters help) the one I will be using.

Once shopping was done, we met at Kaysha and Roger's duplex and Kaysha showed us girls her wedding dress for the first time. It was so pretty and she looked so beautiful in it, I lost a lot of my nervousness and instead became excited for the day to come. She just glowed in that gown and I pray someday I can find the happiness those two have found. It's so refreshing to see them together and know that true love still does exist. I think it will be a very pretty wedding.

I have now been wearing my mouth appliance for 15 days. At first I was very sore and it seemed to make me tired, but about a week into it my mouth became adjusted and it doesn't bother me as much anymore. I turn it once every five days, and today I will be turning it once again.
At first, I feel more pressure. After a day the pressure goes away. People say it is changing my mouth but I personally haven't seen a difference. Rubbing my teeth does feel differently but I can't decide if its just because I am used to having metal run across them, or if they really have moved.
My next appointment is February 3rd and I am excited to see what Dr. Ravi has to say!

Well, there you have an update on my life!
Now for getting my hair trimmed, printing programs, last night out, helping with the decorating, rehearsal, and of course the busy wedding day of hair and pictures before the ceremony!
In between there I am still working up to 3 days a week. Slowly but surely life should slow down once again.
Have a blessed day!


  1. Sooo exciting! I'm so happy for Kaysha and Roger!!!

  2. I can' wait for the wedding! Even if I am serving... ;) pretty nervous about that.

  3. I am soooo excited, nervous and overjoyed!!!! SO happy for Kaysha and Roger! Only a week!!!!!!!!!!!
