Friday, October 27, 2017

October 2017 // wedding planning // busy

Have you ever planned a wedding, long distance? Let me tell you, its stressful.

Since arriving home from New Hampshire, my life has been on fast forward.
I work.
Run errands.
Ortho appointments.
Try to keep a relationship going strong with my fiancé.
Crash into bed at night.

It has been so insane.
For awhile, I was very stressed. Poor Josiah got to hear it all during our nightly FaceTime visits.
(thank you for listening and understanding, babe.)

As I have done some traveling this past year, my bank account had greatly suffered. With the wedding approaching quickly, I knew I needed more work. I asked my sisters boss if I could work along with her, construction cleaning, until I married to make some extra money. She kindly said yes! Little did I know that having two jobs, on top of wedding planning and ortho work, would keep me busy 24/7. It has been good to keep busy though. It helps the days go by and makes it not as hard to get lonely. (ha! Who am I kidding? I miss my fiancé. Nothing can make me forget that.)
I have been slowly gaining my money back which too, is very nice!

School has begun once again, in fact, it began while I was on vacation. When I returned home I jumped back into teaching. Four kiddos now. Well, Spencer really isn't doing "school" yet, but we are introducing his letters and numbers more frequently now. I love watching him swing his little feet from the chair as he tries so hard to remember "A says "a" for apple".

One Saturday morning, a van load of gals headed out on the road to begin our wedding dress shopping. It was a fun relaxing day for me! Reconnecting with friends I have been neglecting.

When we first arrived at the shop, I was overwhelmed.
"What do you like? Do you like this?"
Everything was pretty. How was I ever going to choose?

If you ever have those same thoughts, let me reassure you, as soon as a dress is on your body, you know. This isn't it.

I quickly became aware of the style I preferred on myself, until it was narrowed down to two dresses.
The bridal crew all loved one, while I was torn between them. I liked the one they awed over, but something about that other dress wouldn't leave me. As soon as the lady had clamped it onto me, my heart fluttered. I wanted that dress so bad.

It wasn't exactly what I had imagined. I almost didn't even try it on!
My aunt had text me that morning, telling me to try anything on.
"The one you least expect to like may just be the one."
I remembered her words, so agreed to try that dress on. How thankful I am that I did.

Josiah has not seen the dress, and won't be until our wedding day. *smiles*
A part of me wishes so badly to share my find with him, but I know I would regret it if I spoiled the surprise.
Finding the prefect dress is so important to a bride, and for me, I share everything with Josiah. Not sharing something so special with him so hard!

Days turned into weeks and we had not found a place to hold the wedding. That in turn meant no permanent date. Which also meant family could not buy plane tickets.
I felt so bad for taking so long, but finally the Lord showed us the place and a date was set.

On top of wedding planning, I have come to the end of my braces. I also drove on the freeway, to my appointments, for the first time in 6 years. The one and only time I ever drove on the freeway was in Drivers Ed. It has been a huge fear of mine, and one I refused to conquer.
Josiah has given me confidence and with the help of him and God, I did it!
Also with LaKaysha encouraging me in the passenger seat. Without her, I think I would have panicked a couple times. Thank you for braving the road with me sister!

As weird as this may sound, I was afraid to see those wires come off. Afraid I would be disappointed in my appearance. I am not, though! It feels so good to be free!
I do have to wear retainers, on both top and bottom, for 6-9 months. That was disappointing, but now that my mouth is adjusting to them, I don't feel nearly as upset about it.

Slowly but surely things are coming together. Plans are being made.
I bought a cute notebook with colored pens to document our process, and make things easier and fun. I have actually really been enjoying it!

On another note, Josiah is flying out here again!
This time he will be coming for Thanksgiving. I am so excited to see him again, but especially to share a holiday with him. I want him to be able to experience being with my family.

22 days.

I can't wait to see you again, babe.

How is life treating you?


  1. Yup, I've planned a wedding long distance! :) Weddings are a lot of work, but so fun at the same time.. Praying everything goes smoothly for you. Yay, to your dress and setting the date!

    1. It has been fun, in all the chaos! ;)
      Thank you <3

  2. Eeep! I'm SO excited for you, Felicity!!!! And a January wedding? Oh my word, that sounds so gorgeous! <3

    Congratulations on finding your dress, and on your fiancé flying out there soon! :D

  3. Aw, you're welcome. *winks*
    So glad things are starting to fall into place, and it'll soon be over and you'll be with your man forever! <3
    I'm gonna miss you, though. *sniff*

    1. I am too. Starting to feel more real and like perhaps we can actually pull this off. *wink*
      I will miss you too *sniff*

  4. awwwwww!!!!
    I'm so excited for Jan. 20th!! don't make us wait too long to see the wedding photos PLEASE XD

  5. I'm so happy for you!!
    I can't wait until the wedding, you are going to be SO PRETTY!!!!!!
    I'm so happy to be in the wedding thanks for having me! :D ;P

  6. Bring on this wedding *flexes*
    It's gonna be AMAZING
    Mark my words

    excited for Thanksgiving Eeeekkkk <3

    1. With all your girls help, it will be! I wouldn't be able to pull it off on my own *sweat drops*

  7. wow so excited about your braces!!! you must be so happy. <3
    still can't believe you're getting married! so excited for you. please share lots of photos :)

    sophy of

    1. It is very nice!
      Pretty crazy, isn't it? I have a hard time believing it myself ;)

  8. I just realized some thing I may finely met Josiah! If it works out we will come for Thanksgiving!!!!!! Now I'm nervous!;)Can't what to see you!~Kylie

  9. Sounds like you're quite busy, Felicity! That is sooo exciting that you found your dress! Sounds like it was a lovely experience. ^_^ Must feel good to have a date set too, hey? I love reading your blog and getting updates on the excitement in your life! <3

    Life has been kind of crazy for me. I'm going through a bit of a hard time. But, I did get a once-a-week-job, helping teach kids and keep house for my aunt. I start this Thursday, so I'm happy about that. :) Hoping to find some other job opportunities too.
    And I started writing again, which is really a joy for me! Struggling with the lack of a social life ... trying to meet new people. You know about that probably, right? ;)

    Well, praying God's blessings on you as you continue wedding planning and anticipating being married to your best friend! I always feel so happy for you when I think about it. :))

  10. I am glad that you are enjoying it! Honestly, I have found that my blogging is my "journal". I used to pen all my thoughts down in a notebook, but since meeting Josiah I have almost completely given that up. It's kinda sad. But, I think I use my blog as an "update" on how life is going, and Josiah as an "outlet" to go to when I am worried/excited etc.

    I am so sorry you are having a hard time! Will defiantly be keeping you in my prayers. I hope you find a job you love! Doing something you enjoy is so important. I was blessed with a job I enjoyed (not meaning I don't have my bad days. Who doesn't?) for 5 years. It has been a huge blessing for me. <3

    I do know a little about that. ;)<3

    Thank you!
