Sunday, April 30, 2017

twenty one

Life is a journey to be
Not a problem to be
- Winnie the Pooh

Sometimes that little bear has some wise words to share. Life truly is a journey. It's how you travel the road that will make it an enjoyable one or not.

Recently I celebrated my twenty-first birthday. Some days I look in the mirror in awe. I can't believe I am no longer that little girl with big blue eyes and freckles across her nose.

I am told I was a very sensitive child. And I do believe it.
I was afraid of absolutely everything. People, animals, water etc. Anything I couldn't control in my own little hands frightened me.
I observed people closely and could always tell when someone was sad, angry, happy... When it was sad or angry I did my absolute best to make them happy again.

I loved helping people and making them smile.
I loved babies and could stare at them for hours. Breathing in every detail. Rubbing their cheeks softly. Fingering the fingers and toes.
I loved the outdoors and played outside whenever possible.
I also was quite a girl and loved wearing dresses, cleaning, and listening to the adults. Pretending I was a "full grown lady". I couldn't wait to grow up. It couldn't come soon enough.
Now that day has come. In a blink of an eye that little girl vanished into time.

I spent my birthday in town with a dear friend. We walked the mall, ate frozen yogurt, and she paid for me to get my nails done. Only my second time ever and it was a lot of fun.

Before I left my Mom asked what I wanted for supper. I jokingly told her one of my favorite meals: steak and salad.
I knew we didn't have the food but I honestly didn't know what I wanted that we did have.

"Surprise me. Just please don't surprise me with spaghetti."

(I do NOT like spaghetti.)

I came home to a bouquet of flowers and... steak and salad. It was a lovely surprise and the food tasted delicious.

'Twas a lovely way to bring in my twenty-first year of life.
I also received gifts from the baby sister, an Auntie, and the kiddoes I teach school to! I cherished each one greatly.

Thank you to all who made me feel so very special.


  1. Sounds like a pretty good day!

  2. Happy birthday!! Wow 21!! That's crazy! :D I hope you had a spectacular day with lots of unforgettable moments ;D


  3. awwwwwww happy 21st girl!! You're amazing, remember that forever and ever and ever k <3

  4. I love you sister! Very glad you had such a good day! Happy Birthday!! <333

  5. Sorry I couldn't be home for your birthday... *lowers head in shame*
    Your 21st of all birthday, and I would have to miss it.

  6. Happy (belated) Birthday!! My name is Laura, and I just found your blog. I really like the design! And Felicity became one of my favorite names a few weeks ago- Felicity and Charity. I actually have a violin name Felicity :) I'm following your blog right now, and hope you'll check out mine?
    Have a wonderful day!

    PS. Does your blog title come from the John Denver song, "Poems Prayers and Promises?"

    1. Thank you very much for the birthday wish and sweet words! I am sorry I was unable to reply to your comment until now, but as I am on vacation life has been a little busy. *wink*

      I will have to check yours out sometime!

      Yes, I did get the name of my blog from John Denver's song :)

  7. I'm so glad that your twenty-first birthday was a blessing! :)
