Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Favorite Photo

These are my selection of "favorite photos" from this past year of 20-16.

This photo was taken the night my best friend become a bride. What a day that was.
My sister captured our goodbye hug, just before her new husband drove her away. I love that smile on her face!

My two aunts and I. These girls have been in my life forever. And I mean, forever. We've shared joys, laughs, and tears. It sure has been one wild ride, hasn't it? This is us three on the beach when we made a last minute decision to take a little drive. There was eight of us total together that day! It was beautiful. If I remember right, it was near 70* outside! And in February!

One of many baby cousins whom I absolutely love. Sweet little Heather. This was my first time meeting her. Isn't she precious?

Aw, this girl. Need I say more? If you know Evelyn, you know what I mean. On this day, I gathered Evelyn on my back and we took a stroll through the woods. Me and her shared giggles together as we searched for "Robin Hood and Maid Marian" in "Sherwood Forest". All while singing a song together. Which one it was, I have forgotten. But it was a special moment for me! We picked flowers together and brought a lovely bouquet to her Mama.

The sweet couple. Taken by the falls while we were at "The Memorial Day Campout". I had taken a photo of them the year before, as a newly dating couple. Just one year later they were back, but this time, as newlyweds!

Yes, I tend to take photos of my small cousins. But what else can I do? With those faces? Who could resist. I took this photo seated on the front porch of my Aunt and Uncles. It was a hot Sunday evening, and my parents were gone to Texas. Us three hung out together, visiting about "Freckles" and Cinderella.

Ok, so in my opinion, there is nothing cuter than a dirty little boy with bare feet. Visiting Auntie A and Uncle T, cousin Chase introduced me to his sheep. His trusty broom in tow. For waving off the flies, perhaps?

August was the month I met my two baby twin cousins, Cormick and Callen. Any photo with them is my absolute favorite, but I thought I had shared enough of them on this blog! So, my next favorite photo for this month would be the one above. Three special people and me, at a very special place. We were about to head home after a very nice weekend, but first, photos!

Home from New Hampshire, it had been too long since I had seen this girl! So to her place I went and we walked the streets of Old Town. It was cool, but not too cold, and the sun was shining. An absolutely beautiful day spent with a very special friend. Oh! And that drink I'm holding? Sparkling Blackberry Lemonade. Best. Thing. Ever.

My favorite month of the year. This day was gorgeous. I was seated on my Mom's swing when I looked over to see the sun peaking from behind a tree dressed in orange. I just had to take a photo! Was a very peaceful moment.

Thanksgiving with the family! And some snuggles from cousin Joshua. Love those blueberry eyes and chipmunk cheeks! He had been smiling, I promise, just before the photo was snapped. He really isn't that terrified of me.

Last but not least, the month of December. Many photos have been taken this month, but I love this one best. This day was cool and crisp, with sunshine. Just the way I like them. Frost covered the earth and all was right with the world.  

“The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the
 beauty of life lies.”
- Laura Ingalls Wilder


  1. I LOVED this post! =D =D
    You picked some awesome pictures! <3

  2. Nice pictures! :) yes it has been a very wild ride! ;)

  3. Love <3 yes it's been a crazy ride!:)

  4. Beautiful pics and awesome post. :D <3

  5. Wow! So many nice pictures! I really like the one of Chase and his broom and the one of you and Joshua. :)

    1. Isn't it the cutest? Should be in a Country mag. or something, right? ;)
      Awe, he makes the whole thing! <3

  6. Aww, Felicity, me thinks all the kiddos in your life are blessed to have you! LOVE the pictures and the meaning behind them!

    1. Awe, thank you! :)
      I am certainly blessed to have them in my life <3
