Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Over The River

"And through the woods, to Auntie's house we go!"
Last week, last minute, it was decided the family would take a quick weekend trip to the "dry side" of the state. A quick trip to Auntie and Uncle's hometown. We sort of like our cousins, and my brother was floating on air when he heard he was going to see Shiloh. *wink*

Much to my sister's disbelief, I love the four hour drive. It's so rugged and big and western. My kind of country. *smiles*
I enjoy just sitting back, watching the world zoom by. Letting my mind wander (when does it not?) and just plain, relaxing.

And of course, it is impossible to not stop at my very favorite place. "The last one". As I heard a woman explain to her small child, "After this, you're on you're own." I feel sorry for the rest of the world who can't enjoy this place!

Finally, we made it!  Chase ^^ apparently needed to see what was going on better. *wink*
The parents, and baby sister, planned to stay at a hotel. The rest of us stayed at Auntie's.
Kirsten had a delicious supper planned for us that night. Lamb Chops. I even helped! Rubbing seasonings on the meat is helping, right?
I'd never eaten lamb before and was quite skeptical. But let me tell you, that was the best meat I have ever ate. ever. She's one snazzy cook.


Yes, I got some snuggles with baby Kaaren while waiting for supper to get done. Isn't she the sweetest? Look at that little smile! Ok, I'll stop now.
Us girls slept in the trailer, and what a waking that sky was when I opened the door in the morning!
And please, what is cuter than my brother holding his sweet baby cousin bright and early?

 Later in the day, us girls decided we wanted Chinese for lunch, so on the road we went!

 Yum! It was so good! I have not had good Chinese since my childhood restaurant closed. This place was very similar and satisfied a very long craving. Thank you Kirsten Jean for taking us!

 Has anyone ever heard of "Gelato"? I never had until last weekend. It's an Italian version of ice cream! Very creamy and sweet. We were strolling the town when Kirsten remembered this little shop she wanted to try. It was fun just popping into little places that we happened to pass.

 We found an antique shop and we spent a good two hours there looking at all the neat things! LaKaysha was in her absolute glories and tried every hat on in the place.

 An antique Davy Crockett dish! *gasp*

 Okay, isn't this the coolest thing you've ever seen? A vintage movie!

Kirsten planned a fun night of bowling as neither me or my siblings had ever gone. Much to our surprise, the bowling alley was closed when we reached it! But, we ran to McDonald's and enjoyed milkshakes and iced tea while giggling like we always do.  

 I love these people!

 The next day we walked to the town store and the girls bought pops and V8. It was cold, but absolutely beautiful! The birds were so loud.

Kaaren and I matched that day!

After a lunch of pizza, we hit the road back home. I had a very nice time visiting family and can't wait to see you all again! Thank you for putting us up for a couple nights!


  1. LOVED LOVED LOOOOVVVEEEDDDD this post. *laughs*

    Aren't we just THE CUTEST!!! At least your pictures make us look so. *winks*

  2. It was a very blessed time indeed. I loved seeing all you kids so happy! :)

  3. I really enjoyed having you all here. Like your mom said, it was like old times, us ladies bumming! You all are welcome anytime!

  4. LOVED!!! I had so much fun that trip! (even if the little boys did ware me out) ;P Kaaren is soooooo cute!! Oh my goodness is she cute! ;D A lovely and blessed trip! <333

  5. Aww, great photos!! Looks like fun. You girls are all so beautiful! I just love your photography style—it's super sweet. <33

    lavender & blue
    the inkpot girl

  6. Ahh!! Sounds like so much fun! I had never heard of Gelato either. Hmmm...interesting. :)

    1. I googled it *wink* It said its higher in sugar but less in fat? It was very sweet but if you got a mixed berry like Kirsten did, the sour berries helped!

  7. All those hats! They were so awesome, I'd thought I'd just die with joy. *Winks* it was such a great trip 💖 always enjoy visiting those ppl :D

    1. *psh* yeah you and your hats. We constantly asked "Where's LaKaysha?"
      "LaKaysha! Get over here! Put that down!"
