Saturday, March 11, 2017

The Songs, Movies, and Books Tag

I was tagged by LaKaysha at Calico and Lace for "The Songs, Movies, and Books Tag". This is a lot harder than you think people!

1 // A Song That Describes You In Some Way
The words to this song express so much of me. How I was living my life. The struggles I was having and the revelation I came to that God does know best. He knows "better than I". His way is perfect. I must simply give up. To stop living for myself and trust that my pathway is already paved.
You Know Better Than I - from the movie Joseph King of Dreams

2 // A Movie That Inspires You
Temple Grandin

3 // A Book That The Main Character Is Like You
The only book I have ever read that I thought "wow. That's like me!" was The Magnolia Story.
It isn't a fictional book, but Joanna Gaines reminded me so much of myself.
Her love for babies. Her obsession with cleaning. Her love for decorating and organizing.
The fact that she is shy, and never wanted to bend the rules as a teen. Someone who liked to live on the "safe side" of life.
Most books I read, like my sister stated, are guys. Ones about girls annoy me beyond anything.
The Magnolia Story - Chip and Joanna Gaines

4 // A Song That You Love
 Who can pick just one?!
Good Morning Beautiful by Steve Holy
Why Didn't I Think of That by Doug Stone
The River by Garth Brooks
5 // A Movie That You Love
Really, guys? I talk way, way, way too much about "The Shadow Riders".
I suppose I'll pick another movie. This one is a childhood one that has a special place in my heart:
Sarah, Plain and Tall

6 // A Book You Love
I'm going to not name a Louis L'Amour this time.

Beyond the Quiet Hills (The Spirit of Appalachia book 2)
Gilbert Morris and Aaron McCarver
I'm not a huge fan of the style this is written in. They tend to describe the clothing far too much for my liking. And the girls (except one) are... annoying. But! I enjoy this book just the same.
Rilla of Ingleside - L. M. Montgomery
7 // A Song You Do Not Like
This song is just stupid.

Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks

8 // A Movie You Do Not Like
I read the "Love Comes Softly" series when I was around twelve. I loved them! I was so excited when they began making movies. Imagine my disappointment when they ruined them. The first four movies are "okay" and I can look past the "wrong" story line. But after that? Ick. This one is the worst. How could you kill Willie?!
Love's Unending Legacy 

9 // A Book You Do Not Like
I have read the entire series about the town of Blessing. In fact, it is completed in four (or is it five?)separate series! That's a lot of reading.
Though sometimes the characters can just simply annoy me, I became attached to them and enjoyed watching them grow from babies to having babies of their own.
This series has three books in it, and though I just "had" to read them, I didn't actually "enjoy" this part of the series.
The main character, the daughter of the original character, leaves to become a doctor. I don't like how she is so strongly for "women's rights". For stating so boldly she can live and work in a mans world. Without a mans help. She's arrogant, stuck up, and rude.
And, to top it off, she marries who I say was "the wrong person"!
I wouldn't say I "hated" this book. But it is certainly one I did not "like". Along with the other two books.
A Measure of Mercy - Lauraine Snelling  

10 // A Song That Makes You Happy

Forever and Ever, Amen - Randy Travis

That'd Be Alright - Alan Jackson

Chains - Patty Loveless
This song is just super catchy. *shrugs**blush* I annoy my sisters so much by playing it every night!
11 // A Movie That Freaked You Out
Maybe this is cheesy, but when I was young I was terrified of:

The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina
It was just so creepy with its weird graphics and freaky bugs. And the fact that Thumbelina was taller than Tom Thumb. Come on people, that's dumb.
I DID watch it dozens of times, but always felt like someone was creeping up from behind me as I did.
12 // A Book That Made You Cry
If you know me, you know I'm not a crier. I wracked my brain for something that made me actually shed tears and it took awhile. I think this book I came pretty close to it!
The story of the Romanov family just breaks my heart.

The Romanov Sisters by Helen Rappaport

13 // A Song You Listened To A Lot When You Were Younger
Probably around the age of fourteen, I found an old tape of my parents that I absolutely fell in love with. I played it on repeat every day, all day long. It was the album:

Heartsongs - Dolly Parton
I loved it for the old traditional mountain songs she sang! One song was:

I also grew up listening to:
Drive - Alan Jackson

And how can I forget my childhood "favorite singer" and "favorite song"?

Coal Miners Daughter - Loretta Lynn

14 // A Movie You Watched A Lot When You Were Younger
I watched a lot of movies when I was younger *wink* But I guess my "regulars" would have to be:
Davy Crockett
Winnie the Pooh
Swiss Family Robinson
The Many Adventures of the Wilderness Family  

15 // A Book You Read A Lot When You Were Younger
I received the first five books on my eighth (I think) birthday and fell completely in love with these books:
The Boxcar Children series

16 // A Song That Irritates You
Goodness, hands down that would be:

Swingin' - John Anderson

I apologize to any John Anderson fans! Just my own personal opinion.

17 // A Movie That Kept You On The Edge Of Your Seat
*Phew* This movie was intense.
Erased (2013)
18 // A Book That Left You Breathless
*Scratches head* A book that left me breathless? Hm. That's a hard one. *More scratching*
I suppose I could say:
The Jefferson Lies by David Barton
It was an exciting read! One that left me saying "Wow". I was surprised to discover that the "lies" we've always been told have no grounds to stand on.

This was fun!

I tag:

Marita at When I Hear Music
Marissa at Hidden Treasures


  1. The first series of those Lauraine Smelling books are by far the best. I didn't really like the last ones either. And I also used to love The Boxcar Children, I probably read almost every one of them:)

    1. They are! I know... I enjoyed the one about Ellie and Andrew? The rest were just because you have to know what happened to everyone Lol
      I read a lot of them too! I own quite a few actually.

  2. These tags are fun to read! :)
    Ahh, I have a soft spot for The Boxcar Children Series. The first one is my favorite. :)

  3. Chains?! Really, girl? *Winks*
    Erased was soooooo suspensful! I actually forget that new movies exist, or I might have put it. Although The Great Escape is much better, anyways. Lol

    1. I had to. *winks back at you*
      It was! I had forgotten about it until I started writing this blog Lol

  4. Love...Only I thought Vantage Point was more suspenseful..;-):-P

    1. I forgot about that one. It was probably more suspenseful but I didn't like it as well *wink*

  5. "Chains"? *laughs my little head off*
    I actually really enjoyed "Erased". Even though I'm not one for action movies. ;P
    "Sarah, Plain and Tall" makes me cry! *laughs*

    1. "Chains, chains, shackles and chains!" *now you hear it in your head and will be humming it*
      Must be pretty good if you likes it. ;)
      Me too, me too!

  6. Awe.. " Sarah Plain and Tall" will always remind me of Grandma. She loved that movie. Enjoyed this :)

  7. I totally agree about books with the main character being a girl!! ;D
    Temple Grandin is a great movie. <3
    Nice tag! You had some great answers.

    lavender & blue
    the inkpot girl

    1. Yes! Why must they always be that way?
      It is!
      Thank you :)

  8. Yay I'm tagged! But life is a little busy right now so it'll probably be awhile before I get around to doing it. :)

  9. Enjoyed! Your are JUST like Joanna Gaines! *gasps at the thought* ;P <333
