Wednesday, October 11, 2017

New Hampshire // Family Time

The first few days, even week, in New Hampshire feel so long ago!
Following my first day there was Sunday. Josiah came to Mary's after breakfast, and picked me up for church. I can't express how much I love going to church with that guy. Praying and being fed together. His hand in mine. It's an amazing feeling.

After church we headed off to my Grandpa and Grandma's. The family was gathering there for some lunch and family time.

Cousins, aunts, uncles. Good food. My boyfriend by my side. All was well.

For awhile anyway. My Grandpa has not been well, and that Sunday began to become worse in his health. It was extremely hard for me to hear and see. My heart hurt so badly.
Again, I have to express how thankful I am for Josiah. I have never known someone to be able to read me like he does. There is something so special between two people that God brought together that words can't explain. I ran off to hide, for fear of shedding tears in front of people, and he quietly followed me. He held me for a good five minutes, not saying a word. Just let me shed a few tears and express my fears. Though that day was hard, that was a special moment.

To try and cheer me up, Josiah brought me to get a blueberry iced coffee. I am addicted to those things! Though Dunkin's is not nearly as good as Shortstop in town. *shakes head* They try.

After coffee, we headed off for some waterfalls nearby. We actually visited these falls before we were "official" in May, so is sort of a special place for us. This time around it was a lot more special. *smiles*

Come now. How does this guy not make your heart beat faster?
Oh? It's just mine? Well that's ok. He's all mine anyway. *wink*

After a cold refreshing walk outside, we returned to Auntie's for some home made stew and rolls. Perfect way to end a day.


  1. sounds awesome felicity. <3 <3 josiah looks like one special guy. i am so happy for you!! x


  2. Really enjoy reading these updates/stories, Felicity! I keep saying it, but I'm so, so happy for you! ^_^

    1. Thank you!!
      I am glad you enjoy them! They are coming slowly *wink*

  3. I'm sure that was hard for you to be there at that time. So hard to even imagine when we couldn't see it. Definitely nice to have that special someone there at a time like that. Kaaren prefers West coast coffee to Dunkins also, as do I! :)

    1. It was hard, but yes that was nice!
      Lol! She's a smart gal *wink*

  4. You look so happy in these pictures. :) And in your profile pictures.

  5. I agree with Emily... you look so happy! <3

  6. Suddenly I want a Dunkin's coffee and I want it NOW

  7. Josiah is SO sweet, I like him a lot, and he will be my new big brother!!! <3 I am so happy for you!!!
