Thursday, May 3, 2018

the places I have been // cihldhood memories // P O E T R Y

 the places I have been
lilacs and clover 
all blooming and green 
blue skies and sunshine 
dew drops and moon beam 

green plums and salt
I'll fly away to heaven
honeysuckles and buttercups
around the house seven 

through a pathway of dirt 
with walls of corn stock 
hiding in the squash leaves 
a shiny new rock 

puppies and baby goats
catch them if you can 
new sandles that can go slap 
voices in the fan 

races up the old fir tree
who do you think 
will reach the top before the other
faster than a blink

dirt between small toes
sawdust in your eye
wood to stack and wood to cut
the kitten too shy

old Betsy from the rafters
pies from the fire
cowboys on horseback 
eggs in the old tire 

these are what make memories
so cherished deep within
these are what make me who I am 
oh the places I have been
- Felicity Estola