Wednesday, May 2, 2018

the month of april // photo dump

the things that make me different are the things that make me. 
- A. A. Milne 

April has flown by and a new month has begun. It is hard to believe that I have been living in New England for three months now. Some days it feels as though we have been here forever, and some it feels as though I just left home. 

April in New England was cold and snowy for a good portion of it. Snow would flurry down, melt, and then make an appearance once again. I am not sure what I think of it here yet. 

 I do miss my lush green grass back home. The bright blue skies and the evergreen trees. And of course, my mountains. 

Well, enough about that! Here are some highlights about April.

- moved into our new apartment and began unpacking and making it a home. 
- we were given a free dining room table and it was lovely to sit at one once again.
- celebrated Easter, my first holiday away from home, at my Grandparent's home. 
- I finally got my drivers license! 
- legally changed my name!
- got a bank account!
- Josiah turned 24
- I turned 22

He is the sweetest uncle.

Easter fun!

Basket from my Grandpa and Grandma

A box arrived from back home that brought tears to my eyes.

Visiting my hubby a work! Lettering a police car.

Date to Olive Garden

Received this rose bush in the mail from my Aunt. It has brought me much joy as I watched it grow and bloom.

Babysitting on a Friday night

Tired little buddy all snuggled up.

Sunday drives

Love that my husband can letter things for me!

Deer at dusk.

First trip to Kimball's of the year! 

At the dentist.

Made pasty for Josiah's birthday supper!

And surprised him with some decorations.

Birthday present to me from the best husband ever!


Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. Memories from our dating days.
I had a blank space above my sink and was not sure what I wanted above it. I was browsing online and seen a sign that I sort of liked, so I asked Josiah if he could make it for me. We set out  painting, cutting, measuring, and finally designing together. Something just wasn't looking right though. The saying I had picked just wasn't popping. We tried adding flowers and designs but I just wasn't feeling it. Josiah kept asking if I liked this or that and I said "Mm.. I don't know. It's a little much. I mean, what do I always say?" to which he answered, "to keep it simple". Amen.  
I hope you all enjoyed this lengthy photo dump! 

May looks to be a busy month filled with visits from many friends, sisters, aunts, and weddings. 
On to the next adventure. 


  1. I miss you! ... enjoyed this though 😘

  2. Three weeks from tomorrow I'll be there!!!!! COME SEE ME AS SOON AS YOU CAN. Like. Before I even wake up maybe? Jump on my head like you used to do in the middle of the night. <3
    Can't wait to see you!

    1. LOL don't worry!! I'll come see you! I'll probably get there at like 2 and you'll still be asleep *laughs*

  3. Awwwwwww! *hugs you* I just loved this!!! You're so beautiful!
    I SO want to see your new home!!

  4. Ooooooooh, what to say? *sniffs*
    Your house is adorable, these pictures are adorable, and you two are adorable! <33333333333
    It made me so lonely for you, I have to admit.

    1. And I love that green sweatshirt! <33
      You look absolutely gorgeous, by the way
